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Oriental Beauty - Dongfang Meiren

Garden Oolong

CHF 21.50

For 30 g - Tax included

Tax included

Beauté Orientale is an extremely sophisticated Oolong, powerful, soft and sweet, is a dizzying array of perfumes and flavors. Such richness of taste should be savored with particular care and will enhance the honor of special occasions.
This high-end Oolong, semi-fermented at around 60%, is also known under the name “Champagne des thés”. Its small leaves are accompanied by white, black and brown buds.

Oolong tea or Wu Long (乌龙, literally black dragon) also called blue-green tea, is a tea of Chinese origin (particularly from Fujian and Taiwan) whose whole leaves have the particularity of being withered and slightly rolled to promote their oxidative fermentation (or oxidation). Halfway between green tea (unfermented) and black tea (completely fermented), oxidation will give the tea its characteristic dark color and develop a great complexity of new aromas.

Learn more about Oolong teas

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In shape
presence of antioxidant
top after meal
after a meal

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