In Stock Garden Black Tea English Breakfast BOP Western High-Grown Ceylon le T TBS002 CHF 10.50 / 100 g This English Breakfast is a black tea from an excellent high-altitude garden (High Grown) in Sri Lanka. Its broken leaves give this tea with woody and spicy notes increased potency. Excellent morning tea, it goes well with a splash of milk. The BOP grade (for Broken Orange Pekoe) designates a tea of great finesse (Orange means "royal", named after the...
In Stock Garden Oolong Oriental Beauty - Dongfang Meiren le T TOF004 CHF 21.50 / 30 g Beauté Orientale is an extremely sophisticated Oolong, powerful, soft and sweet, is a dizzying array of perfumes and flavors. Such richness of taste should be savored with particular care and will enhance the honor of special occasions. This high-end Oolong, semi-fermented at around 60%, is also known under the name “Champagne des thés”. Its small leaves...